The emphasis placed by Sirajuddin Haqqani on the unity of the Islamic world

The Taliban's interior minister, Sirajuddin Haqqani, met with Cenk Unal, Turkey's new charge d'affaires for Afghanistan affairs, and his accompanying delegation today, Wednesday, 17 Aqrab, and stressed the unity of the Islamic world.According to Haqqani, Islamic nations ought to make a greater effort than before to bring their societies together.According to Turkey's new charge d'affaires, it is Turkey's responsibility to support Afghan citizens during trying times.Turkey is discussing how things are getting better in Afghanistan even as its people are escaping to nearby and far-off countries to escape unemployment and poverty. Conversely, Haqqani highlights the unity of the Islamic world, despite the fact that daily arrests and killings occur on the roads in certain provinces, among others, including former soldiers and university professors, according to this group's informants.Reports state that approximately twenty thousand residents of the northern provinces—Panjshir, Andraba, Takhar, and Badakhshan in particular—are being tortured in Talban prison at the moment.


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