the Taliban's establishment of 14,000 Jihadi schools in Afghanistan

In the last two years, the Taliban group has set up 14,000 jihadist schools in Afghanistan, according to the report of the US special inspector. that jihad training is taking place in these schools with almost ten thousand participants.According to Sigar, another thousand jihadi schools have been registered by the Taleban Times and the Ministry of Hajj.The bulk of elementary, high, and other educational facilities have been given to the Taliban group for use as Jihadi schools, and they also give international aid to the teachers working in these institutions.The nation's residents are extremely concerned about the Taliban's unprecedented construction of religious and jihadi schools, which is continuing at the same time. They claim that the Taliban are brainwashing thousands of people and submerging the nation in an extreme and fundamentalist crisis that will last for decades by establishing religious and jihadist schools.In the past, several nations have issued warnings about the rise of extremism and terrorism and claimed that the expansion of terrorism in Afghanistan poses a threat to global security.


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