Continued Poverty and unemployment in Afghanistan have led to an increasing number of child labor

As the weather cools and winter begins, man child laborers in Kabul face many challenges, from working under the snow and cold to earning meager wages

These children, who spend most of their day in Kabul working hard, are less likely to touch pens and books

The only breadwinners who like to write and study their alphabet instead of working, but the luck of these children are reserved

They have to work instead of education and find bread for their families.

One the these children, whose job is to polish shoes, considers his only hope and that of his generation to study so that they can get out of the cycle of misery and be able to build a good life for themselves.

Children on the streets are worried about their future

These children, who are mostly under the age of 15, take to the streets instead of studying to keep save their selves of poverty

As the weather cools in winter, people have started a clothing collection campaign to try to replace this process in society and be kind to each other

Collecting first-had and second-hand clothes, which had become popular among the people in previous years under the name of the Wall of Kindness, have become the biggest campaign in the winter.

Children who instead of studying should look for a piece of bread for themselves and their families to avoid hunger

Masoud Ansar


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